Sunday, January 29, 2012

2012 Lunar New Year Wishes

Hello everyone, it has been quite some time since my last bake in December 2011... Well, my eldest daughter has started her Primary School and I haven't had much time to bake as compared to the previous months. I need to spend a little more time for her school, and not forgetting my #2 who is also now in Kindergarten 1.... Mummy must focus more on their studies... :-p I will try to bake soon whenever I get a chance, and I hope it will be soon....!!! :-D

Here, I wish everyone out there to have a wonderful properous year ahead!!!

May all your wishes and dreams come true:-)

(Though it's a little late for the wishes...hehehehe)

Hope MiMi Bakery House will be back with new bakes soon...